Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Pepper Steak

This is a great recipe for both the crockpot OR the stovetop.  It just depends on how much time you have.  If you are prepared in advance and have enough time to throw it in a slow-cooker, I'd probably choose that route.  The meat is a bit more tender and the flavors blend a bit better.  But if you're anything like me and you realize you have just over an hour until dinner and you still need to pull the steaks out of the deep freezer, the stovetop is another option.  (And while it may seem terrible to throw choice sirloin into the crockpot rather than on the grill...hold that thought until you give this recipe a try!)


2 pounds of sirloin or ribeye steak
olive oil
garlic powder
1/4 cup warm water
1 beef bouillon cube
1 Tbsp. cornstarch
1/2 large onion, chopped
1 can of diced tomatoes with chiles
3 Tbsp soy sauce
3-4 bell peppers


Slice steak into strips or cubes.  Season with as much garlic powder and pepper as you want, then place into a large pan and saute in olive oil until meat is browned.  At this point, if you are using your slow cooker, go ahead and put the meat in there, then add the remaining ingredients except the bell peppers.  Cook on low for 6-8 hours.  Add the peppers during the last hour or two of cooking; a longer cooking time makes the peppers softer; shorter cooking times leaves them a bit crispy.  Choose whichever way you prefer your peppers!

If you are doing the last-minute stove-top route, continue on with these directions:

While the meat is browning, dissolve the bouillon cube in the 1/4 cup of water.  Once dissolved, add the cornstarch and stir until it has a smooth consistency.  Once the meat is browned, pour the bouillon mixture into the pan.  Add the onion, tomatoes, and soy sauce, then cover, turning the heat down to a low level.

**My cast-iron skillet does not have a lid, so I improvise with a pizza pan**

As the meat continues to simmer, chop up some bell peppers.

**I slice my peppers into strips and then cut the strips in half.  Use a variety of peppers to make your meal more colorful**

Once the peppers are chopped, toss them into the pan so that they can cook.  Make sure to cover the pan and allow it to simmer until the veggies are to the tenderness you prefer (or until your kids are starving and can't wait for it to cook one minute longer!).

**The finished product**

Serving suggestions: 
Serve over noodles or with rice or couscous or potatoes
Serve on flatbread or tortillas (use a slotted spoon to eliminate some of the liquid so your meal won't be too messy!

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